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Encore Club Silver Singer Award
The purpose of this award is to honor the quartet attaining the highest score (at least 400 points) among quartets whose 4 members are at least 55 years of age by the day of regional competition, with a combined total age of at least 240 years. The award consists of four (4) silver medals (one for each member of the quartet) on four (4) individual ribbons. The annual award is donated by and presented by the Region 17 Encore Club.
Encore Club Most Improved Quartet Award
The purpose of this award is to honor the most improved Region 17 quartet at regional competition each year. The recipient quartet must have scored at least 400 points in order to be eligible for the award. The award will be presented for total overall improved score from the Region 17 Competition the previous year. This traveling award may be won by the same quartet at the next competition. This award is sponsored by the Encore Club.
Live Wire Star Performer Award
The purpose of this award, which consists of four (4) charms (one for each member of the quartet), is to recognize and honor the quartet having the highest score in Visual Communication at the annual Regional Quartet Competition. If a tie score occurs in the Visual Communication score between contestants, the contestant receiving the highest score in the Music category shall receive the award. If a tie still exists, this procedure shall be followed through the categories of Sound and Expression until the tie is broken. This award is sponsored by the Live Wire Quartet
Novice Director Award
The purpose of this award is to honor a Novice Director directing a chorus for the FIRST time at a regional Sweet Adelines International or BHS competition. The award will go to the Novice Director of the chorus placing the highest in the competition with at least 400 points. The plaque will remain in the permanent possession of the recipient. This award is donated by Sounds of Pittsburgh Chorus.
4th Edition Novice Quartet Award
The purpose of this trophy is to honor the highest scoring Novice Quartet of Great Lakes Harmony Region #17 each year. Novice is defined as no more than two (2) members having competed together or separately, in any previous Regional or International Competition. This award is donated by “The 4th Edition.”
Open Division Audience Choice Award
The purpose of this award is to recognize and honor the quartet and/or chorus who was selected by the audience to receive the audience choice award. The Quartet Audience Choice award has been sponsored by Sidekicks Quartet and will be presented by all or part of Sidekicks. Should there be only one contestant in the quartet or chorus open division, the Bravo award will be presented to that group.